Hacktoberfest - Issue #1, Pull Request #1

In this article I will continue to talk about my journey through the Open Source Development. As I mention in previous post  I am participating in Hacktoberfest. Requirements for this fest is to submit 4 Pull Request during the month of October in order to get a T-shirt with Hacktoberfest logo.

In this post I will talk about my first PR (Pull Request).

In the beginning of October I went through many filed issues on the Git Hub in order to find to work on something this month. My very first issue was to create a small animation selector for Hacktoberfest.

Hacktoberfest animation.

This task was not very complicated but more on a practice to fork, edit code, create PR and merge. Neither this task required any special installation (Visual Code is enough to handle this issue)

Steps to complete PR for this issue:

1. Create CSS file with my own animation. In this part I had to do little research on CSS animations. I find many different ideas and how to implement them to get the desire results

2. Update .js file where I have to include my Git Hub username and the name of CSS file with my animation

Link to the work I did https://nialleccles.github.io/Hacktoberfest-animations/

Difficulties that I faced during this work:

- One of the biggest challenge was to find issue on which one I would like to contribute
- After issue another step is to read through the requirements and find the proper solution for the particular issue
- I realize that everybody has their own coding styles and in order to make contribution to the project I have to see this style and fix issue following  developer's style


In the end of this posting I would like to say that as for today almost one week of October is passed and there are few more weeks to go. I hope to contribute to the Open Source community enough in order to fight over the fair of PR submission. This will give me a good start to work on a bigger issues of projects.


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