Release 0.7

Every week bring me close to the release 1.0. Do I feel excited? I don't know answer for this question because it's not just Release 1.0 but also the end of the course, the end of the semester and hopefully the end of school. All I know for sure 1.0 is not carry just one meaning for me.

What did I do for Release 0.7.

This time I had a chance to work on styling and get to know CSS a bit more than I knew before. My first issue was to fix look of our posts Issue #700. The idea behind this issue is to make all posts have same fonts, sizes, line spacing, image size, etc. This issue was base on comparing our website to other websites that also focused on presenting articles. Medium, Longreads, The New Yorker, The New York Times were analyse as an example to follow. While this sources provide good idea of what fonts for the title and post itself should be used, sizes spacing there were still other tags that need adjustment for Telescope. For example: <code> and <pre> look like a code in the blog post rather than text.
Some of the requirement were provided by the author of the issue but some needed more research. The issue itself was not as complicated it was more of a research.

Another issue that I was working on is to adjust the size of the images in the blog post. Originally images that were provided by the author of the post could have random size. Some of them too small but some were going out of the scope of the post element. This issue were easy to fix because I already create .css file for the post and all that was left is to add constraint for the image tag.
Here are some examples of how Telescope look before:

After changes applied:


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