
Showing posts from April, 2020

Final release - 1.0

It has been few days since I planned to write this post. It is very difficult to put all thoughts together. This is a final blog post for OSD700 and I wanted to make different than others. I have rewrite this post already for the third time and seriously I am just giving up. I read through others post to find some ideas and inspiration. How did I get to OSD600. My friend told me that this is a "nice to have" course. Why did she say that I don't know she never take this course herself. When I saw that requirements for this  is WEB422 and JAC444 I decide to give it a chance. Indeed that was only course that I was looking forward. Why? Well unfortunately I was not lucky enough to have good experience with web development. Since WEB222 I realize how much I don't like web development. I think it's related to the professor that teach me this course or may be I just was the one who prefer C/C++ (I know its sounds weird, but I always enjoy this weird old language). Ano...

Release 1.0 - Lazy Loading

In this release I have covered one issue that add feature of Lazy Loading images of the blog post. It took me a little bit of time to add this feature and some help from my professor. What is lazy loading? When user open a website that consist of many big images and videos it will take some time to load all of them. This could be an issue because some users does not have time to wait until all media will be loaded and simply will just close the application. Luckily there is feature that allowed to load images while user scrolling through the web page. How do I know if my application uses lazy loading feature? That is not to hard to check. Here are steps: - Load web page - Open developer tools - Select network - Navigate to IMG Under the list of already load pictures (if any or all) there will be usages showing how much resources were used. If during scrolling the page the lower number of used resources is increasing once the image appear in the view its mean applica...

Release 0.9

Last few weeks were pretty busy with studies. All school has moved online and students and professors had to adjust to a new way of study-teach workflow. For this release I was working on few front-end issues and I would like to share what experience did I gain while I was solving problems. My First Issue  was about making word Telescope in the top-left to go to home page.   At first when I look in this issue I did not know in what kind of problems I can run into. Seems it's only add link to the title  This is the only line of code I have to do for this issue. By doing this I have learn something new.  If I add <Link to='/'>{title} I assumed that {title} should still keep the style that was assign in the <Typography>  because I haven't specify any new className in the <Link> but the outcome was different than I expected From:   To: Uhhh...this is not look right due to our website design. So basically was g...

"Windows virus" or problems with Docker Toolbox

In this release I have worked on few front-end issues. But before I jump into describing what did I do and what new things I learned I would like to share my "experience" with Docker. Once Telescope launch Elastic search things start to become more and more interesting.  When I update my master branch I try as usual to run Telescope locally. I did my usual set of commands to run App and to add feeds on the page.  `npm run develop` in VSCode `npm start` (this I'll explain later) After that all problems begin. I realize I'm not the only one who has same problem.  So what was the problem? Me and my classmates call it "Windows virus".  What are the symptoms ? 1. Your machine has Windows 10 Home Edition version. 2. There are no Linux or Unix install as secondary Operating System on the machine 3. You have no other option but just Docker Toolbox installed. I heard many times that people complain about the Toolbox and how inconvenience it is, ...