Final release - 1.0

It has been few days since I planned to write this post. It is very difficult to put all thoughts together. This is a final blog post for OSD700 and I wanted to make different than others. I have rewrite this post already for the third time and seriously I am just giving up. I read through others post to find some ideas and inspiration.

How did I get to OSD600. My friend told me that this is a "nice to have" course. Why did she say that I don't know she never take this course herself. When I saw that requirements for this  is WEB422 and JAC444 I decide to give it a chance. Indeed that was only course that I was looking forward. Why? Well unfortunately I was not lucky enough to have good experience with web development. Since WEB222 I realize how much I don't like web development. I think it's related to the professor that teach me this course or may be I just was the one who prefer C/C++ (I know its sounds weird, but I always enjoy this weird old language). Another requirement as I mentioned above is the JAC444 (wonder why). I love Java, I could spend all my vacation just to code Java labs. So by taking OSD600 I figure it will be good to see what good I can take from WEB and just keep on track with my Java.
I still remember our 1st OSD600 class when professor said that this class is not for everybody, moreover some people drop this class but others can drop other classes for Open Source. I did not have a clue why he said that until probably Hacktoberfest. Than a nightmare came. It's a Telescope. I like how professor use to say that it is a simple piece of software that any of us could write in one day and the only complexity is that we have to split this task among all of us. After this I feel like I lost in the dark tunnel with out any hope for the light. At that point I realize that I should of never take OSD600 because I can't create that piece of software by myself not even talking about the whole group. Anyway after all I decide to take OSD700 because I find it interesting. It is interesting because its uncertain, its unpredictable, time consuming. A lot of interesting things related to Open Source.
In the end I would like to say thank you everybody I had a chance to work with: Dave Humphrey, Rafi, Ana, Josue, Calvin, James, Miguel, Cindy, Julia and Ray


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