Yesterday I had a hope... Or release 0.8

It has been few days since I'm trying to put all the thoughts together. I think I'm finally ready. I'm writing this post in the time when the whole world going through the major tryouts. Despite that nobody cancel Open Source, moreover somebody find this time of self isolation as a time to contribute more to the Open Source Community.

Last week I was working on few Telescope issues. I even find a time to submit one bug and review two pull request.

A first issue I was working on was about link that overflow in mobile view. Actually as I discovered later that issue was as well on the desktop view. Interesting fact that not all links were overflowing so it was not easy to spot where the problem came from. In order to solve this problem I find interesting article about similar issues. First I will talk about possible solution and than about the one  picked.
CSS has few solutions:

` overflow-wrap: break-word;`
`word-wrap: break-word;`

Both of those lines will break the long words or URLs. It will break word where it is necessary. There is not much difference between this two lines and actually that do the same work, but one will work on some browser another on the other browser.

In my case I used both and also add `hyphens` because it will add hyphen where it brakes line. In the end I got my main class look like this:

My other issue was to create a document with color pallets for the users who would like to contribute to the front end. There were no challenges in creating this document but very nice learning experience. When I was going over the components of our application to get the color numbers I had an opportunity to read and learn some of the Material UI.


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