Release 0.5. Integrating React Next into Gutenberg Project

This is the first part of release 0.5 and in this post I will talk about steps that I will take in order to solve issue #18216 in Gutenberg Project

What is issue about:
Find a way to integrate React Prerelease channels into WordPress/Gutenberg. React Prerelease channels allows Projects that are not using React as a user-facing application test features that are might will be available in the next releases. By integrating React Prerelease channels into Project community will help in improving React while testing out new features.

What needs to be done in Gutenberg:

1. Install Next or Experimental channels (as I'm waiting for respond which channel I have to integrate Next or Experimental I will talk for now only about Next channel) inside of the project 
In package.json 
change version of react and react-dom to  "next"
so package.json will look this way:

2. Set up CircleCI or Travis CI in order to run occasionally tests.

- Set up cron jobs that are supported by CircleCi or Travis CI
- In the cron job update React to "next"

- Run tests against updated packages.

Note. Command `yarn upgrade ` used here, while for npm cli command is `npm update react@next react-dom@next`

3. Gutenberg use React as external library, and according to documentation I have to tweak the PHP code in the webpack configuration to enqueue it using WordPress API


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