Release 0.4 part 3

This is the end. The end of not just release 0.4 but also the end of semester. Many things were planned but as usual not everything is done. I completed 2 issues(external, internal) and 2 PR (external, internal) as were required and still had some extra time and I wanted to keep working on other issues. Indeed, when I reach this last week before exam I realize how time consuming extra work could be. Anyway, I did my best to accomplish at least something.

1. While I was working on my external issue I have learn and review few things from C++. My goal in this issue was to increase performance of the compiler.
In this snipped of code calling _STD invoke(_STD declval<_Types>()...) is very expensive in the meaning of performance. That is because template function invoke() is implemented by calling static function call(). So my task was to use _Invoke::Call(), and this will increase performance.

2. In my internal issue, I faced some problems. I was not able to run webhint report due to my Node.js version. Now it is all done, and I'm working on reducing number of errors that has been generated by the report. I'm still working on it and due to the exams next week, it will take me a little longer to investigate on them than I was expected.

In the end this is my last blog post for OSD600 course and in conclusion I would like to say that I had a great time to be in this class. I have learned a lot and also realize how much more still yet to learn. 


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