Release 0.4 part 1

It's been one week since Release 0.4 start and I was able to manage some work in open source.

For my external project I picked as always Microsoft/STL. This time I was working on correcting return type as per documentation of STL.
Why I always pick issues from Microsoft/STL?
This is because the way they explain the bug. It is very well define, there is description how to reproduce the bug and files that are crashing or need updates. Another reason is that there are only 20 contributors to this project and I'm 8th by the amount of contributing (even though it is only 31 line of code). This contributors are very quick to respond if I need any help or to review my PR.

My goal for external project is to contribute to Wordpress/Gutenberg. I find it challenging because it is much harder to get in contact with some members of this project and when the issue is exist its not always very well describe. This can take quite a bit of time to solve the bug.

As per my internal project I add jest --watch option. It hasn't been approved yet, but hopefully it will. In the next 2 weeks I would like to contribute more to the Telescope because this project is very exciting and help me to learn many new things.


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