Release 0.3

Release 0.3 is another step that bring me closer to the end of the semester. It is a challenge for me. This task require to work on 2 bugs one is internal and one external. At the first glance seems like nothing new than any other release, but the most difficult  is that we as a group of students have to create piece of software that will be replacement for CDOT Wiki.

Before I begin to write what have I done so far I want to share what I feel about this release.
At first project Telescope make me feel like I'm in the tunnel with out a light and trying to find a way to get out.

What I have done so far.

First I try to to file issue, but a moment after I got 2 comments that saying that someone already file that issue, than I realize that my strategy is wrong and before filing any issue I should read through and see what else has to be done. Well, that is where problem arise because I don't know which steps should be taken and how to accomplish them to reach final product. In the end I file two issues that I'm planning to work on Issue 1 and Issue 2 as a part of the internal bug.

For the external bug I picked the project I was contributing during Hacktoberfest WordPress Gutenberg

I like how everybody want to contribute to the Telescope project and I hope I can find same courage to do more for this amazing project because it will give me opportunity to try something new.


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