Hacktoberfest - Issue #4, Pull Request #4

It is Monday 8:00 am, this time I schedule to write a blog for my Issue #4 and Pull Request #4 that I was working on in order to complete Hacktoberfest. No thoughts come into my mind and all I want right now a cup of coffee. May be this stopping me from putting my ideas into this blog.

As it is Monday after the Study break I have to say that summarizing all that was planned to do and everything that I have actually done the result make me feel said. The only thing that cheers me up, is that I have become contributor to Microsoft/STL. It's a little thing but for some reason every time I look at my Github profile it is warming up my heart.

What is Issue #4 about.
In Microsoft/STL there are classes and structs, by default struct is a public and StephanTLavavej open an Issue to remove redundant word "public" that followed after the struct.
Here are screenshots of few files where I made changes

Before I contribute to Microsoft I was not sure if I can do that. Since the time goes by and I try to contribute to other places and not all community are warm and welcoming new contributors, I sometimes ask myself if it is for me or may be I should just scroll down and find something else. Indeed Microsoft community welcome new programmers and not just label their issues as "first time contributor" but also give good explanation of how to fix the issue and where to look for it.

My Pull Request was review right away when I send it and and after all checks was submitted.


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