Hacktoberfest - Issue #2, Pull Requesrt #2

It is 1:30 am and it is already October 11, time is flying. Only 20 more days left until the end of Hacktoberfest. The fight is keep going. It is not a regular fight it is a fight over fears to contribute to open source, specially for "newbies" like me. My issue #1 and pull request #1 are different from what I have done this time. This time I took advice from my professor I decide to contribute to well known project Gutenberg from WordPress.

Issue #2 Overview:

Programming language: JavaScript
Problem: Fix variable names for better reading the code

Function reduce() except accumulator as a parameter @tofumatt who is a member of the project required to update variable name with suffix 'accumulator' to improve code readability. Originally there were 49 lines of code that required to fix names of a variable.  In the beginning I thought that I just will fix 1 or 2 variable names and will send a pull request, but than I realize why wouldn't give it a try and fix more variables names. My classmate decide to work on this project with same issue as well, so we split the number of variables names.

Here are screenshots of what is done so far

Now my PR is submitted and I'm very excited that I try to contribute to a big project. When I contribute to the project like Gutenberg I feel different then when I contribute to a smaller project or issues that had been made particular for the Hacktoberfest. I don't know if my pull request will be excepted but I want to continue my tries to contribute to bigger projects.

Problem, difficulties and outcomes related to issue #2 and PR #2:

1. First of all I did same mistake as I did with my issue #1, I did not give myself enough time to search and work on issue. My professor give advice in the class that if I spend 6 hours on setting up an environment and start working on issue it will be more productive than looping through the issues that will fill my needs and level of knowledge

2. Working on a big project is more "scary" than on a small project but in the end they are more productive and benefit us in many ways

3.Before I start work on the issue I was not very familiar with the function reduce() from JavaScript,  so I had to spend about half an hour on reading the documentation what is that about. This helped me to expand my knowledge on this function in JavaScript

Issue #2 and Pull Request #2 are done and I hope that my corrections will be excepted and I will be real contributor to something big like Gutenberg Project


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